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The Yagi, Vertical, & Dipole for VHF UHF HF

Deployed HexTenna in the Bad Lands.

Yagi, Dipole, and Vertical

As a Yagi, the HexTenna™ is legal limit full size 10-20 meter HF & 2 meter VHF beam. As a Dipole and Vertical, it covers 2 – 40 Meters, plus 220MHz, & 440MHz, that is tuned by equally lengthening each element till resonance is achieved.

Higher Performance

This high-performance antenna system is not a ‘no tune all-band antenna’. There are no lossy traps, baluns, or coils that have to be manually tapped when changing frequencies.

Winning Combination

This is the antenna that always wins all contests, and below is a demonstration of the results from K3SKS and KC3JAS.

HexTenna Installation

Installation can be on either a conductive, non-conductive mast, or a tripod. Although working well at 5 feet, additional height above ground or surrounding buildings will lower SWR and increase performance. Tune by adjusting the following lengths on each element. K3SKS and KC3JAS have found it easier to fully extend, then shorten each element. Here is the table they provided, which includes 40′ of RG-58x coax. Following the table are the SWR plots when they used the table.

HexTenna element lengths
Element Lengths by K3SKS and KC3JAS

SWR Results


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VHF UHF HF Base Portable Mobile

