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Wind load of the J-Pole Jr antenna

Anemometer clipart, vintage hand drawn

To determine wind load of the J-Pole antenna for your expected wind speeds, simply enter two numbers into the following calculator:

Wind Load vs. Wind Speed (

Those two numbers are:

  • Area this antenna occupies, 0.3193542 sq meters
  • Wind speed


The wind load (N) would be 0.1923 with a wind speed of 1mph, or 100 times 0.1923 for a wind speed of 100mph, which is a wind load (N) of 19.23.

How do we know this?

The wire has a radius of R and a length of L, then total area = 2*pi*R*(R+L) square units.

The antenna as two wires with separate values for R.

The first R is .164” with a total length of 192”.

The second R is .246” with a total length of 192”.

This provides an area of 3.4375 sq ft or 0.3193542 sq meters when the calculation is performed.

Wind Load Calculator

1.2 air density (kg/m3)

1 wind speed (m/s)

0.3193542 area (m2)

Dynamic pressure (N/m2, Pa): 0.6

Wind Load (N): 0.192

Referenced Antenna


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