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Alpha Hextenna my “go to” Parks on the Air Antenna

HexTenna on mast

My Alpha Hextenna has traveled with me across three States, making over 10,000 POTA contacts, 119 activations at 48 different parks. It is easy to set up and tune; and remains stable even in strong winds, rain or snow, and I have activated in all of these conditions!

I have made DX contacts to Europe, South America, Alaska and the West Coast of the US, all from my home State of Pennsylvania.

My antenna is currently close to 3 years old, and the radiating elements still slide well and remain where you want them. While working on Rapid deployment activations, the antenna can be set up and taken down in 5 minutes or less.

While activating, if I am not getting many contacts, I know it has to be the band conditions, not the antenna!



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