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My DX experience with the Base Alpha ProMaster HF Antenna.

Alpha ProMaster Antenna components

The Alpha ProMaster Sr Antenna 6-160 Meter system (portable) is an awesome product. As a new HAM (6 months) I was not sure what would be a good starter rig. After some extensive research I settled on the Kenwood TS-590s, Alinco DM-330MV, and the Alpha ProMaster Sr Antenna system. This antenna is amazing. The system is basically a vertical whip on top of a tripod with four 30ft radials as part of the antenna system. An Alpha Match (impedance matching unit) also is provided as a digital antenna tuner. The TS-590s has a good built-in antenna tuner, and when combined with the Alpha Match provides a good pairing. I have no problem reaching Europe, Central America, etc., and practically all parts of the US. My first contact was in Germany. Setting up the antenna system took about 15 minutes including the 30ft radials and Alpha Match. I have been using this antenna system for about 5 month and so far have pleased with the result.



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