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Not cheap, but it is worth every penny.

10-80M 100W HF MagLoop Magnetic Loop Antenna optionally available 6M VHF UHF

The Alpha Loop combines ease of use, solid construction and the magic of the RF magnetic field.

With 5 watts on 40m, I worked much of the western U.S. this evening. Not exactly DX, but for a casual evening of operating in the backyard, I was floored by the performance of this mighty marvel.

Operators on the other side of the QSO don’t believe it when I am telling them that I am using QRP power with an antenna a few feet off the ground.

Nice work Alpha team!

As noted, tuning is not drop-dead simple, and there is a small effect of hand capacitance when in close proximity to the loop on higher frequencies.

The laws of physics here have not been suspended, just twisted a little to work in our favor!

This antenna is not cheap, but it is worth every penny!



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