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Fantastic Magnetic HF Loop

10-80M 100W HF MagLoop Magnetic Loop Antenna optionally available 6M VHF UHF

This is the first antenna that I’ve had success with because I live in 2nd floor apartment with limited space, surrounded by power lines, and no access to ground. Tried other antennas and could never transmit anything on HF bands.

Enter the AlphaLoop – Very easy to assemble, and when I placed on the balcony and did a quick adjustment to the alpha match, the band came alive. A few minutes later made my first contacts from Phoenix to LA, Seattle, and Colorado. Made several more on 20 and 40 meters. At QRP levels. Wow!

Like others have said here, Alpha Loop is very durable and you can tell it’s made from quality components. Bravo to Alpha Antenna for making such a fine product. I’m so excited to be on the air now!



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